Here will be an introduction to the iRoleMaster app, and how it handles the different rules of Rolemaster®. Access to the original content material can be found through the index, which also holds an alphabetical keyword index.
In depth information can be found on the following pages:
- Races: In depth description of each available race.
- Professions: In depth of professions or character classes, for this program this means the ability to advance in skills and the access spells, training packages, and other traits.
- Training Packages: Training packages reflects skills and abilities obtained through specific trainings and jobs, i.e. service on the City Guard might earn you the training package of the same name.
- Skill Categories and Skills: Skills are the ability to perform specific tasks, or having a specific knowledge, they are organized in Categories with related skills, and groups of related categories. Using a skill is called a maneuver.
- Languages: A fantasy game need languages, this document is a smaple of information available on some languages.
- Magic: Spell casting and magic is an important part of fantasy games. This document relates to the use and inheretance of magic into the game.
- Combat: Combat is a necessary part of a fantasy game, in order to defeat that dragon guarding the treasure.
- Healing & Death: A common result of combat is injuries, this document deals with treating injuries, and how to handle diseases, death, and other aspects of serious injuries.
User interface
Further this document will describe the player and GM interfaces of iRoleMaster, that will mostly be done after a working BETA is available.